Thursday, March 27, 2014

Educational Technologies


An iPAD is a tablet computer, developed by Apple that runs Apple’s iOS operating system.  Some consider the iPAD a larger version of the iPhone, as they have many of the same functionalities.  The iPAD has a touch screen with an onscreen keyboard.  For those who find the onscreen keyboard clunky, there is something called a stylus that will assist the user with input.  In addition, the iPAD can accommodate audio and visual media, and access the Internet via a WIFI connection.
I selected the iPAD because it is tried and true technology in the learning environment.  “The use of mobile technology in education is a recent initiative fostered by the easy access and fast technological improvements and advancements of the mobile devices, namely smartphones or tablets such as the iPAD” (Silva, 2014).  iPADS have changed the way our organization delivers training and how our participants receive training.   “Mobile technologies have a great deal of utility in adult education and are another way to empower students in their learning, giving them more options and greater control over where and how they learn” (Russell, Lippencott, & Gettman, 2013). Our learning environment use to be one of participant workbooks, meeting leader guides, flip charts, and a facilitator standing up in front of the room delivering from a PowerPoint presentation.  Today, we deliver training via iPad technology.  All participants utilize the iPAD to participate in competitive activities, conduct research to answer questions during open discussion, create role play videos, construct action plans, and complete surveys; these are just a few examples of how we utilize the iPAD.  The iPAD also enables us to customize the learning experience.  Lastly, the iPAD has enabled us to become a more environmentally friendly training organization, which aligns with our corporate culture and vision.

 “A smartphone, or smart phone, is a mobile phone with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than basic feature phones” (  With a smartphone, the user has the capability to download even more functionality than what comes standard on the device.  As they say “there is an app for everything”.  “Unlike traditional phones, which are produced as finished goods, a smartphone enables users to install, add, and delete hundreds of applications” (Song, 2014).  While I’m a Samsung smartphone owner, it is not the only smartphone on the market.  “The transformation of the smartphone market is changing the game from a winner take all to one in which winners take all, as different players tailor their products to different segments of the market” (Mourdonkoutas, 2013).
I chose the smartphone because it is a great tool to leverage for performance improvement and sustainment and reinforcement of previous learning.  Their size and versatility make them a great tool for those who travel or have a need to access learning real-time.  For example, we are planning to implement interactive, multi-media learning that can be accessed anytime, anywhere from a smartphone.  We believe this will provide our target audience with the support to improve their on-the-job performance.  Imagine if you will, a service advisor in the service drive with a customer, attempting to explain why their vehicle is not operating as it should-the customer is confused and wants more information.  The service advisor pulls out his smartphone pulls up an interactive resource that allows him to actually demonstrate to the customer what is happening with their vehicle-to the point where the customer actually experiences an “a-ha” moment.  “Keeping up with the changes in employee needs is crucial to a successful training program. Give your employees the flexibility they’re looking for with mobile training, and give them the freedom to learn beyond the office” (Wroten, 2014).


Russell, M., Lippencott, J., Getman, J. (2013).  Connected Teaching and Personalized
            Learning: Implications of the National Education Technology Plan (NETP) for Adult
            Education.   Retrieved from:
Silva, C. (2014) Scientific Bulletin of the  “Petru Maior” University of Tîrgu Mureş Vol. 9
            (XXVI) no. 1, 2012, ISSN 2285 – 438X (Online), ISSN–L 1841 – 9267.
Song, HC.  (2014).   Analysis of the global smartphone market and the strategies of its major
Mourdonkoutas, P.  (October, 2013).  The Game Is Changing In The Smartphone Market. 
            Retrieved from
Wroten, C.  (February, 2014).  Beyond the Office: Mobile Learning in the Workplace. 
            Retrieved from:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

 Dear Followers:

Did you know that originally Facebook was only available to those who had a “.edu email address” (  Today, Facebook has over a billion users.  Facebook provides a free forum for people to extensively share information, photos, videos, web plug-ins, ask questions, provide answers, and share successes.  Members can post, read, and respond to classified ads, find others who have the same interests as you and interact, publicize an event, invite guests, and track who plans to attend, create and promote a public page built around a specific topic, see who is online and engage in real-time chat, connect with other sites via Facebook, and it’s all free.  When you try to put it into context, it’s overwhelming.  The trick is not only to know how to use Facebook but how to use it effectively (

“Most people know that Twitter is a micro-blogging network of real-time posts that are limited to 140 characters or less, but few people understand how they might benefit from Twitter” (   Twitter is a great way to get share information quickly whether it is news updates, career related information, or what’s happening at the moment with friends and family.  Business uses for Twitter might include a restaurant tweeting the Special of Day, retail stores alerting customers to special promotions, and notifying customers and employees of closure due to weather.  In the learning environment an educator might tweet an assignment update or a student might tweet a great resource he just stumbled upon.  Whatever the need, Twitter is a great way to share important or not so important real-time updates.
“For millions of people, the web is a social space that connects them with their friends, colleagues, family members and even total strangers” (Hung & Yeun, 2010).  I see both Facebook and Twitter as great ways for our facilitators and our development team to stay in close contact with our online and workshop participants.  I also see it as a way for our participants to engage with and stay in touch with each other.  Through Facebook we will create a community of practice (CoP) where our target audience will be able to stay engaged with each other and share Best Practices, new ways of doing the same thing, work related photos and videos, any challenges they may be facing, solutions, and resources that will help them maneuver their daily landscape in the service drive and at the parts counter.  As administrators of the Facebook page, we will post access to new resources, answers to their questions and moderate their discussions.  We will link to other pages and resources they will find relevant.  Facebook will enable provide us a mechanism to invite our participants to special events.  We will also use this tool to seek their feedback on existing training as well as what they would like to see in new training. 

We will utilize Twitter to post breaking news in the automotive industry, create awareness of workshops coming to their area, special workshop pricing, and alert them to new resources being available.  These are just a few of my thoughts as to how we can utilize and make the most of Facebook and Twitter.  Since our experience with social networking is at a novice level, we’ll take baby steps in our implementation and see where it leads us.


(2014).  What is Facebook and how do I use it?  Retrieved from:


(2014).  Understanding Twitter.  Retrieved from:

Hung, H. & Yeun, S. (2010).  Educational use of social networking technology in higher

            education.  Teaching in Higher Education.  Vol. 15, No. 6, December 2010, 703714.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

                    Dear Followers:
I believe mobile technology including iPads and Smart phones is a great way to enhance learning in the classroom, as well as sustain learning outside of the classroom environment.  Not to mention, some schools, specifically private schools, are finding iPads a more cost effective alternative to hardcover books. “More and more schools are moving toward mobile learning in the classroom as a way to take advantage of a new wave of electronic devices that offer portability and ease of use on a budget” (Wylie 2014).
Two years ago, my team and I started working on a project to take our workshop learning environment paperless.  We knew we would be able to recover the cost of building a training portal and the price of the hardware in less than two years.  Yes, we were spending that much money in paper materials, administrative, printing and fulfillment costs – but, more importantly, imagine being able to provide your learners the opportunity to explore the learning landscape via an iPad and the Internet.  In the workshops we facilitate, this is what we do.  There is nothing more exciting for an educator than to see a 60-something using an iPad for the first time and seeing an entirely new world open up to him.  However, no matter how good the curriculum is or exciting the environment, tools, and technology are, there is always that nagging thought about sustainment.  So, to reinforce and sustain the learning our learners can take full advantage of our Mobile Learning and Resource Environment via a Smart phone, tablet, or PC, post workshop.  Within this environment our learners can find the same resources provided to them during the workshop, along with additional tools and resources that will support their learning and help them be the best they can be on a day-to-day basis.
Social Media is another learning conduit that I have a passion for.  There are so many ways that Social Media can be used to engage learners.  Some examples are: “Tweet or post status updates as a class or to your class, blog posts about what students are learning, connect to other classrooms, create Twitter accounts for special interest projects, ask questions to engage your students in authentic learning, communicate with other classrooms and learners…”, and create communities of learning (Davis 2014). My team and I are preparing to launch a Facebook page that will provide our learners a place to go and share ideas, challenges, and Best Practices.  In addition, it will also provide us a place to post additional learning resources and tools of the trade.  We are excited about the pending launch and expect that our Facebook page will be quickly accepted and embraced.

Wylie, J. 2014. Mobile Learning Technologies for 21st Century Classrooms. Retrieved from:

Davis, V. 2014. A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom. Retrieved from:  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mobile Learning - Sustaining Today's Learning for Tomorrow

Mobile Learning is a great way to augment classroom learning, as well as provide new learning real-time.  With a workforce that is ever on the move, employers who are looking for ways to reinforce and sustain learning, and the easy availability of mobile units, Mobile Learning may just be the answer.